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This orchard has been planted as a memorial to the sixty men from the Parish of Wendover who died in WW1 and is in memory of their lives and their bravery.

The Community Orchard can be located at the end of Chapel Lane, along the Heron Path to the right. This orchard of 60 trees, two of which are planted in the adjacent Hampden Meadow, was planted in 2014, marking one hundred years since the outbreak of the First World War on 28 July 1914. The Parish of Wendover lost 59 brave men during the four years of fighting. The names are inscribed on the Wendover War Memorial in the High Street and in St Mary’s Church – both only a short walk from this orchard.


We hope that on visiting the Wendover Memorial Community Orchard you will reflect on the sacrifice these men and their families made for us.


What is a Community Orchard?

This Community Orchard contains varieties of fruit grown to be enjoyed by local people. It is a place where you can relax, play and learn. It offers a harvest of healthy fruit that can be shared and a host of activities from education to celebration.


Wendover Parish Council hopes that this Memorial Community Orchard becomes an important part of our local heritage.


More information on the orchard can be found here.

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